Thursday, 20 October 2011

It's Just a Matter of Time

So the big theme of last week's lesson was that it's all just a matter of time. About making time to write. Whether it's on the bus, tube, train, before you go to sleep, before you get up. I had a lecturer once who told me there was no such thing as 'not having the time'. It is purely an excuse and you have to MAKE time. Since he told me that (and I was making an excuse at the time so I was completely rumbled) I've always tried to adhere to that tenet, funny it's come back again.

I've tried writing on the commute, it's such a brief amount of time though, you just get into the swing of things when you're at your destination and fumbling to stuff your pen and book into your bag, pick up your coat and scramble of the train before the doors close. First thing in the morning is not an option with toddlers so for me it's evenings. And you know what? I'm enjoying it. To start with I found it impossible to concentrate because I wanted to stare at whatever tosh was flickering on the TV. Now, I'm getting so into it I couldn't begin to tell you what's going on around me. My husband is complaining that I don't respond to his ongoing commentary about his day/football/tv viewing. I can't eat my dinner fast enough because I want to get back on my laptop and research. And write.

The writer's realm is a parallel universe, one of peace, calm and serenity. I love it. If you haven't already, you should try it.

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